Album of artist signed literature and art postcards inc Characters from Charles Dickens, Hamlet Shakespeare, Shakespeare's Heroes and Heroines by Tuck & Sons, illustrated undivided backs, military interest, C. W. Faulkner & Co Shakespeare Series, Marjorie Bates etc. Approx 260 cards.

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  • Album of artist signed literature and art postcards inc Characters from Charles Dickens, Hamlet Shakespeare, Shakespeare's Heroes and Heroines by Tuck & Sons, illustrated undivided backs, military interest, C. W. Faulkner & Co Shakespeare Series, Marjorie Bates etc. Approx 260 cards. thumbnail
  • Album of artist signed literature and art postcards inc Characters from Charles Dickens, Hamlet Shakespeare, Shakespeare's Heroes and Heroines by Tuck & Sons, illustrated undivided backs, military interest, C. W. Faulkner & Co Shakespeare Series, Marjorie Bates etc. Approx 260 cards. thumbnail

Item was sold at auction for £240.00

£250.00 - £450.00
Buyers Premium


Album of artist signed literature and art postcards inc Characters from Charles Dickens, Hamlet Shakespeare, Shakespeare's Heroes and Heroines by Tuck & Sons, illustrated undivided backs, military interest, C. W. Faulkner & Co Shakespeare Series, Marjorie Bates etc. Approx 260 cards.

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