Kawasaki W650, (First Registered April 2000), 676cc, 20,754 miles at last MOT April 2015, (some service history), (subject to the usual rate of buyers premium)

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  • Kawasaki W650, (First Registered April 2000), 676cc, 20,754 miles at last MOT April 2015, (some service history), (subject to the usual rate of buyers premium) thumbnail
  • Kawasaki W650, (First Registered April 2000), 676cc, 20,754 miles at last MOT April 2015, (some service history), (subject to the usual rate of buyers premium) thumbnail

Item was sold at auction for £1800.00

£2000.00 - £2500.00
Buyers Premium


Kawasaki W650, (First Registered April 2000), 676cc, 20,754 miles at last MOT April 2015, (some service history), (subject to the usual rate of buyers premium)

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