Three Oriental decorative wall plaques, jardiniere and stand, convex mirror, J. Hughes watercolour, fire extinguisher, stick stand, propeller table lamps and dolls head, etc.

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  • Three Oriental decorative wall plaques, jardiniere and stand, convex mirror, J. Hughes watercolour, fire extinguisher, stick stand, propeller table lamps and dolls head, etc. thumbnail
  • Three Oriental decorative wall plaques, jardiniere and stand, convex mirror, J. Hughes watercolour, fire extinguisher, stick stand, propeller table lamps and dolls head, etc. thumbnail

Item was sold at auction for £65.00

£30.00 - £60.00
Buyers Premium


Three Oriental decorative wall plaques, jardiniere and stand, convex mirror, J. Hughes watercolour, fire extinguisher, stick stand, propeller table lamps and dolls head, etc.

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